Maintain Your Equilibrium

Your first job or You have joined the new workplace. A new project, a new assignment, a new team. New and unfamiliar faces greet you and you try to maintain yourself and thinking you were back in college.

But choosing the friend and interacting with colleagues is different ball game altogether.

And Making friends of co-workers is an art that needs to be learned. Pleasent workplace relationship can stimulate and increase your work productivity.

Here some tips for your workspace 😄

  1. Small talk over coffee breaks and meals will help you to know them better. It will help you to understand their style of working, likes, dislikes …

  2. Don’t confine yourself to a small group move around and ensure that you keep making new friends at your workplace.

  3. You must be a good listener.

  4. Keep an open mind. Don’t allow personal prejudices to color your judgment in your working relationship with a colleague.

  5. All the time maintain your dignity and professionalism.

  6. Give each person his/her personal space.

  7. Don’t Gossip.

  8. When asked help offer it graciously But don’t neglect your work in the bargain.

  9. Learn to show interest in others work. Given then suggestions, ideas and feedback freely. But don’t make it obligatory for them to comply.

  10. Always acknowledge your colleague help and say ‘Thank you’.

  11. Give credits where it’s due.

  12. Give constructive criticism that helps build up rather tear down a person’s self-esteem.

  13. Accept your mistakes.

  14. Don’t keep harping about your shortcomings.

  15. Keep your cool at all cost.

  16. Do your job well.

  17. Learn from your colleagues, show them you want to be taught.

  18. Don’t show I-know-It-All attitude.

  19. Look and be organized. Clean the clutter on your desk.